Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Trip update!

Asking for help has never been one of my strong suits, but for this trip I felt God nudging me to get out of my comfort zone and do some fundraising.  We sent out a few letters but we also began brainstorming about how the girls could use their time and talents to be a part of the effort.  This past Sunday we opened our home and displayed the painted rocks, drawings, paintings and bracelets the girls had been making for the last few months. 

It was such a treat to have people we've known for a while as well as new friends come by and share in the excitement of our trip with us!  The support we received was so very generous, and I cannot tell you how exciting it was for the girls to see God provide through dear friends!  Not only is the financial support a blessing...but getting to share our hearts and advocate for Rwanda brings such joy.  The girls saw the beauty of community, as did we!

Madeline is ready to do a bake sale next, so local friends, keep your eyes out for more info on that!!

So very grateful,
Lisa and Chad
Lauren, Madeline and Caroline

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